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My contract says i am hired for 30 hours a week, and with a standard workperiod of 5 days a week, it gives me 6 hours a day. But i have been told that i can strach out the hours to all days, if i like, but i will still count as if i worked 5 days a week, when accounting for sick leave and vacation usesage.

The first two pictures, is of the overall goals my school has made for the students, and then i have to make 6 personal goals, that furfills the school goals.

I'll update my blog every Sunday.

Week 49: The 30/11-06/12 2015.

Very friendly kids and employees.

Though i quickly noticed, that the oldest kids were not interested in any particular way, in my presence. It was very confusing when i was asked if i had met all the children, since i didn't know how many there were and some of them looked a lot like twins, because i didn't know them, and they disappeared so fast. I was told by the headmistress, that there would be a lot of firm structures in the days, although i didn't see it to be that firm, as i expected. Like around eating time, kids are running around if they finish quickly.

A colleague asks me to join in with some activities like helping out with homework, playing games with the children, in a way they will learn more about colors, English etc.

I have been working more closely with the headmistress and the employee Miss J. this week, and also met the headmistress husband. They have told me some history about Lithuania, about the current society and have been very interested to learn, what my passion is for the future about the study, work and spare time. It has been a little overwhelming, but to the good side, to already establish a connection to these key persons in the business, since it is not what i am use to, especially not on this personal level with invitation to the headmistress private house. I have learned that due to the fact, that some of the kids sleep 3 persons in one bedroom, there won't be room for the indoor urban garden project, since they are also allowed to walk on their desk and windows frames, if they need space to play.

I have spent a little extra time with the youngest girl, since she is home all day. We have played a game of "hide and seek", but she had her own set of rules, so even after finding one another, we did not automatically shift turn, but instead we played "stone, scissor, paper" to find out, who should hide. But as it is with many kids in her age, and especially when they don't spent much time with playing with other kids, she didn't quite understand the game fully, so is her case it was only "scissor and paper". But it didn't matter, because even if i won, she got annoyed, and i had to be the "finding" person, or she would act out.

I tried my best to teach the rules applied for both of us, but clearly i need to build some more personal relation with her, before she will listen to me - i hope she will anyway :)

With the start being in the middle of the week, i calculate three days expected work, that is 18 hours.


Work done: 12 hours out of total 18 hours.

Sick day:  1 day

Homework: 6 hours



Week 50: The 07/12-13/12 2015.

This week starts up with helping out in the morning from Monday to Wednesday. I'll keep an eye on the "Little Miss" who does not yet go to school. During these morning hours, i usually clean up the kitchen and living room, take out the trash, check the animals and play with "Little Miss".

I have asked the Headmistress why the girl is not in an institution with other kids her age, and i was told that they didn't think it was necessary, when there were staff available for her to play with. But then i asked if it wasn't important for her to get friends her age, and social skills. She answered that the social skills were practiced every day, when the other kids were home, so they didn't think she would have problems making friends, when she attending school later, and it is good for children to spend some alone time with the adults, when they are living so many children together. I guess i can relate to the sense in that, since there usually is a lot of talk in the media, about not being able to give all the kids enough quality attention.


Due to my sickness i was asked by the headmistress to stay in bed most of the week. They have all showed me a great deal of care and kindness. I tried to tell that they didn't needed to think about me, i would be fine, but it was made clear to me, that it is a part of the culture, at this estate, because we needed to take care of each other, like a family. My headmistress told me with a smile, that as long i am staying here, she will act like a mother to me, and i should do as she asked (regarding staying in bed, and take my medicine).


One of the days i went along with the "house" to the library, there i got to see the kid’s different social skills and personality. It gave me a hint about what areas i would like to make an effect on, with the different children, and i had also taken two of the younger kids on alone trips with me that week. First one was girl at 6 years old to the supermarket and the second one a boy at 6 years old to the botanical garden. On these two trips i got a good aspect of their personalities. I chose these two, since i thought they seemed to get a lot of correction for bad attitudes, i also saw these behavior problems, and had to use a firm voice, and with the boy also a loud voice, since he was running toward the main street, because he wanted to travel by bus, even when i had told him otherwise, several times (we were only 500 meters from being back home).

Every time i had to make a point to these two children, i tried first to be firm but friendly, with a smile, and then kind of let my mimic get a little less happy for every time they turned up the volume, but i tried to keep my voice calm, and in the end when i had said no enough times, i would tell them, that i was going to ignore them (their questions and wishes) until we got home, if they did not stop with their begging. It made them "freeze" in their behavior, to a point of grumpy face and body language, so then i just said "goodbye, i am going home now" and after a "dramatic" pause i said "but i would be happy if you came with me, so i didn't have to be all alone" -- this was my way of giving them a bit of a guilty feeling, and also telling them, that i needed their help to feel good.

I like to use a bit of consciously incompetent strategy with children, since it could make them feel like they have the upper hand, and are the ones who takes the lead without it actually being so. I do know they don’t understand much of the words i say, but they do understand the tone in my voice and mimic etc.


Work: 18 hours

Sick days: 2

Sick days total: 3

Homework: 8 hours.


Week 51: The 14/12-20/12 - 2015

The kids are really talented with performing shows like singing, dancing and reciting poetry. I think it would be a great opportunity to use music and composing dances, in order to connect and even maybe use it to teach English through songs or dancing games. I keep thinking about my old Wii console in Denmark, maybe i should get to Lithuania, and use it as entertainment for the older kids, but also as indoor winter exercises, since i have several dancing, sport and gymnastic games, and they have an old to in the big playroom, with scare-plugging.

I also cooked this week, only for one day though. I had help from one of the girls at 11 years old, who offered it herself, but since she was on "kitchen" duty this week with cleaning, i had it in my mind to ask her, if she didn't herself showed interest. We had a good time, i put on a radio channel called "" from my computer, and she got to choose which music channel in that site, she wanted to hear. I noticed she particular, has an interest in music, so i used it as a tool to ease up the task.

During the weeks, i have had some trouble getting my head around this one teen. This person is so talented, quite good at English, and i have heard the person is a natural talent with most sports, but sadly not wanting to attend sports at this time. I have been thinking if maybe there is some performance anxiety.

On top of that, it seems to me that he likes to "bully" the people around him. He set up jokes about other people, he fools around by pushing people, and he talks down to them, including me. This week was the first week, where i had a day, where i didn't let him get to me so much. The other days i have kind of got all desperate in my behavior when he was around, because i tried to establish a connection with him, by joking and pushing him back -- but i am not really good at making jokes, and the whole rumble around business, weakens my position as an adult, and i struggle with the feeling of having to be a child one second and an adult the next. It seems like he picked up this struggle inside of me, and the other kids to; although it might be unconsciously; cause on those days i seemed to have so much more trouble, with getting those days’ troublemakers to listen to what i said.

But this one day, i had kind of ignored him all day, and stayed a bit repellent towards him, when he tried to tease me, and i like to think it might have worked to my favor, because he sought out my attention more times, than the other days. But i can't stop feeling that he only does those things, because he has some troubling feelings inside, about what, i can't be sure, but maybe some lack of self-esteem due to a feeling of wistfulness, for fear of not living up to others expectations. - I myself has had this issue, and it is very common with teenagers.

This is where, i really miss having a bookworm student, with photographic memory joining me in this internship. I remember reading some theories, but in which books and from what study, i can't remember. It would certainly also benefit me as well, to have a sparring partner.


Work: 31,5 hour

Homework: 8 hours

Vacation saving: 1½ hour



Week 52: The 21/12-27/12 2015

This week i played some memory games with the younger girls, i also made a kind of crossword puzzle for them, so we practiced both their English and Lithuanian. We also practiced by reading books, and we played the game of "I spy with my eye". They really love the game called "Dobble", with memorizing pictograms in a different way, then regular memory games.

They all get a piece of puzzle, with about 7 small pictures on it, and the in the center of the table, the "chosen" one will turn a puzzle piece, and then the first person to recognize something from their puzzle piece and call out their pictograms name, and also point at the identical one on the centerpiece, wins the puzzle piece. The winner is the one, who gets the most puzzle pieces. We chose to variate the game after trying the "usual" rules several times, so the one who gets the centerpiece, is going to use that one as their "identification puzzle", that way it got more difficult, and really challenged their short time memory.

I have noticed that two of the younger girls at age 8 years old, are learning relatively fast, when we practice English and is very interested in learning new things, like English words, so i think I’ll plan some more English practice through games with them.


This week was also Christmas, and the whole culture differences was amazing to experience. The whole event was made up around the fact that people needed to be entertained. The kids were performing for Santa, and Santa were performing WITH the kids. The start, main course and dessert were served at one going, on the table up against a wall. It was a mingling event, so all chairs were out along the walls, and every time somebody went up to get more food, someone might had taken the seat, and then people had to find new seats and therefor also talk to new people. These type of settings for events, also challenge the kids on their social skills, and i noticed some of the older kids are bit shy, so i will try strengthen their social skills to be more comfortable around strangers.

I noticed that they are very attentive to "proper girl clothing and boy clothing". Some have a firm opinion about the sexual discourses. In my opinion that has both advantages and disadvantages, like on the plus side, the girls and boys don’t need to think much of their role in society, but on the other side, i fear some kids will feel unwanted in society, if they fall outside these gender roles.


I have experienced some emotional distress due to the friendly physical approaches from a boy. He is a heartwarming person, but when he hugs me 10 times a day, it does gets too much for me. Some hugs are more as he sticks like glue to me, for some minutes, along with the fact he says "i love you" and other stuff. So i had to get help from the other staff, to make him let go of me. Sometimes he has even faked being sad, in order to get me to comfort him, and he sometimes has acted like a little child, to get my attention. I fell that has been difficult to handle for me, and also difficult for him, since i might make him feel bad, when i have to turn him away all the time. I have tried to explain to him, that it makes me feel uncomfortable cause i don't like to hug that much, but it is okay to hug, as long it is only a common hug, and maybe only for saying hello and goodbye, like the other kids do. I had another employee help me translate it to him. Since he kept doing it, i have gotten to a point, where i find it useful to avoid him some of the times when he makes approaches. So when i see him heading for me, i turn my back and usually starts a conversation with someone, that makes me sit down or go to another room, to interact with these other persons. If he still follows me, and "glue" on me, i keep talking with the other person, while either squirrel out of his grips or ask him politely to let me go, while trying to keep myself being busy with moving around and do stuff.

It all seems like it has been a good strategy, because he has seemed to calm down, with the hole "hugging obsession" around me.


Work: 30 hours

Homework: 9 hours

Vacation saving: 1½ hours



Week 53: The 28/12-2015 to the 03/01-2016.

Monday morning i noticed how little connections i have to two of the teenage girls ages 13 and 17.

I had tried a couple of times to talk to them, and even asked them out for a girl’s night out, and asked them about school, or if they (individually) wanted to help me cook for the dinner. I have even asked them when there are other persons around, that they then asked about what i am saying, and still they turn me down, or just avoid eye contact. Maybe the girls are just a bit shy, not social, not interested or maybe i am analyzing it too much, and it is just the communication problem that scares them off, from getting to know me.

I have downloaded the app called "Sahib translate" earlier on in my stay, and i had really high hopes, with this app helping me communicate with these girls, but as it is, the app is only in Beta format, so it is only working with translating texting in Lithuanian to Danish or English. I hoped it was ready for the speaking part, where the girls can simply have talked into the phone and it translate to Danish, and the same option, in the other way around. That way we might could have a more detailed and fluid conversation going on. But i am not giving up, and i have seemed advice from a personal contact of mine, that might have some insight on this, and she told me to be more present in their interest. Like one of the girls has a doll she cares for very much, and instead of thinking of it as a toy, we discussed the option, that it might be more a sign of the need for caring and feeling needed by someone else, in her perspective. Why we think this might be the case, is based on the fact, that she doesn't seem to give the doll different roles to play in her interactions with it, she carries it around on her arm, feed it, make it sleep and dress it just like at mother would do, with her baby. So my plan for that particular girl is to try and interact with her, when she is carrying her "baby" around, and talk to her, like the doll was in fact a real baby, and if that doesn't work, maybe asked a little more for her help with some simple thing around the house, so she feels needed without being pushed into conversations or answering questions.

The 17-year-old and i don’t talk much, as she seems very uncomfortable talking with me, and i really don’t want to disturb her day.

Actually in the evening at Monday, i got help in the kitchen from the 13-year-old girl, to make dinner. It happened after she wanted to see what I and the other employee was doing, and i took advantage of this, and quickly we made an arrangement, so she was comfortable to help me out. I used the other employee as her safety zone, so she wasn't alone with me in the beginning, later on we got to be alone so i could titivate the zone of proximal development. I think it was quite a success and the food was delicious. I made sure she could be a part of all the cooking, that she wished to be a part of, and we tasted the food together, and i let her decide if we needed more spices etc. That way i used a "weak frame setting", theory by Basil Bernstein.

Later on that week i challenged her social skills by inviting her and two other to the cinema with me, and to ice skating. I made her smile, and she really seemed like she enjoyed these events.


That week i also went to ice skating with the three teen boys. Miss J. and I, took three boys and Remigijus with us to ice skate. One of the boys (16-year-old) suffers from epileptic attacks sometimes, and that's why i had to have backup from Miss J. and the 17-year-old boy, since they have experience with handling these attacks. It was my idea to bring the boy to ice skating, since i think that in order for him to develop, he needs to experience some of the same social activities, that the other kids, get to enjoy. I know it was a risky affair, since the people crowd around him in the mall, and all these new scenarios, might could trigger an attack, but that's why we were a group going together, and giving him a feeling of security (Don't know if he saw it that way, since we can't communicate well, but that was my theory).

When walking through the mall Akropolis, two boys and Miss J. were going in front most of the time, and the 16-year-old, Remi and I were going behind them. This way we could "make room" around the 16-year-old, prevent any strangers to accidently bumping into him. But this also gave me a good position to "read" his signs, like the look in his eyes might getting a bit more distance, he might seems getting more nervous, me might get some small tics or anything that just seemed more unusual. I still haven't seen him getting an attack, i therefore don't exactly know what signs he shows, if any, but i think every disease might have some small warning signs, even if they are hard to see. But we all got safely to the ice skating lane, and went ice skating for 45 min. There were no epileptic attacks, and the boy was doing so well on the ice. He had help from Miss J. first, to make sure he was feeling comfortable with the skating, and he wanted to try on his own. So he did, and he was learning so fast in my opinion. Most of the time both Miss J. and i, was right by his side, but sometimes i went out on the open ice, and skated with the other boys.

The younger teen, was skating alone much of the time. He appeared a bit uncomfortable with the skating and all the people around. So i took the role of supporting both him and the 16-year-old. We had good fun, and the 16-year-old even got confident enough, to come out on the open ice, and learn how to maneuver better, and the younger one challenged me to a race, plus the 17 year tried to tease me. When i was going through the door to the changing room, he came skating up, and pushed me away, in order to get first out to the changing room - that was unexpected, but very fun, because he usually kind of avoid my presence.

At home i made a dessert called "Vanilla pickled pear, with vanilla crème", i had good help making it, from the 16-year-old boy.

Today i decided, that because of his condition, i would act around him, as he was younger boy and try to be more relaxed around him, and his need for physical security, so he was allowed to hold my hand today when walking in the big mall, and to hug me a couple of times. But i still made sure to draw the line, when it became way too much.


Work: 35 hours

Homework: 9½ hours

Vacation saving: 6½ hours

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Week 01; The 04/01 - 10/01 2016.

I noticed that my time in school has begun to change some of my personality, and the short time here in Lithuanian, seems to really have made it more permanent. I am not liking it, but every time i am trying to do the things the way i would usually do it in Denmark for just a year ago, it seems to backfire on me.

I feel like i have grown up, in a way that does not match the thoughts about how i would like to be, but maybe it is a naturally responds to protect myself, due to all of the pressure of being in a new culture, and having to take responsibility in a different way, then i am use to.

I use to be able to play with toys with the kids, where i would play different roles according to the game, and the kids around loved it, because as they said: "i was not like the other grownups, i was more fun". But now i feel stuck every time the kids try to make me play with them where i have to make up a storyline or role. I find myself going to the kitchen several times a day, cause i feel safe and relaxed out there, doing the dishes and cooking. Every time i try to play with the kids and their babies or little cars, i feel impotent at playing, and after just a couple of minutes, i feel so helpless that i have to stop the game, and go back the domestics tasks.

For the last couple of days, i even noticed i prefer the teenage boys company, because they don't demand so much of my creative skills. With them i can just talk about computer games, their pets or play games. For me, that is a new twist to my preferences!

Usually i always would prefer the younger kids, cause their creativity and active spirit, but now, i feel lost inside when i am using playtime with them. If i read a book with the kids, or watch cartoon, i doesn't seem to have the same feeling of being lost, so at the moment i try to keep the interacting simple minded.


This week the employee "Mrs. S", and i went to the cinema with 8 kids. The youngest boy didn't come, since we needed extra personal, and there where no one else to help, since some kids stayed at home. Instead the youngest boy was visiting the art teacher, while we were at the cinema. I had been very scared of so many kids, in different stages of life, being "let loose" in a big shopping mall, cause face it, if they wanted to, they could run in all directions, and we couldn't catch them. But it all went well, they had fun, and i made the seating arrangement, so they were placed next to someone, who could handle any minor problems, if they arose. The arrangements in ages was: 11, 13, 11, 8, 9, 6, 2Mrs. S", 4, 16, Me.

The teens have shown abilities to handle the younger kids, but i still wanted them to enjoy himself, and they like to be together. The 13 years old is in between the two 11-year-old, since that in my perspective is the "social" seat, and therefore would be pushed a bit on that part. The 16-year-old i seated next to me, so i could keep an eye out for any signs of attacks.


I also made an introduction video this week, for the new boy (10 years old), who was going to move in. I had been told, he was scared to come and visit, so i suggested to the headmistress that an introduction video, with pictures showing, while she talked in the background. It took me 6½ hour to finish, but it was a success.

The next day he visited, and when we were eating cake i noticed he and his older brother seated himself across the table from me, and that couldn't have been better, from my perspective. I talked to the boys, i noticed how the little brother copied his older brother’s attitude, when he was unsure what to do, so i focused a lot of attention to the older brother, making him feeling at ease, and waited to see how the little brother reacted. Slowly the older brother started to relax, and the little brother as well, i could see the desire to play in his eyes, and in the "faces" he made to the children, to make them laugh, but he maintained seated beside his older brother. I said he could go play if he liked to, the older brother translated it to the boy, and the boy’s eyes just lighten up, he asked (through his brother) "can i go play?!", i said "yes you can, we will stay here if you need us". He ran out to play and i kept talking to the older brother (15 years old). When they left, i was the first person the little boy came running to, to say goodbye, he smiled and hold my hand for a long time while saying goodbye in different ways, showing also he knew some English. The older brother asked me if i was living here, or just visiting this one day, i said to them both, i will be here until May, and (to the older brother) you are welcome to visit here anytime. They seemed both very happy.

Later on, i went out to the cinema, ice-skating and eating pizza, with the 17-year-old boy and Remigijus. Before we met up with Remigijus, we had some time alone, that allowed me to get to know the 17 years old boy more, and we spoke English, so he would also train his English skills. We had much fun, and since he is shy person i found it to be a very successful night. When Remi was there he stopped talking in English, he said (in Lithuanian to Remi) that he was ashamed that he could not speak better English. I told him i couldn't speak Lithuanian, but i wanted to learn, and i still tried to speak, because you can't learn, if you don’t try to use it, and he should not feel ashamed talking with me, i thought he did a good job with his English, and i understood all he had said to me.

It doesn't seem to be a big problem for him to be around other people if he knows them, or interact in Lithuanian, so it mostly "only" his English language skills that seems to make him shy towards me. But i had been told he does speak and write English in his online game, but it is when he meets strangers in person, he gets a bit shy.

This week i have also had some focus on strengthen my colleague relation.

- fix. spending some extra time talking with them about their hobbies, their personal life and at Sunday i went to church with Mr. Gytes and his wife Judita. We talked about what makes us happy, why do we have religions, and after that we went out for lunch, and kept talking about everything we were curious about, regarding each other's lives. They also showed me around "old town" after, and told me the history of some of the buildings. It was heartwarming.


Work: 37 hours incl. 5 hours’ social night out.

Special video project: 6½ hour

Homework: 15 hours

Vacation saving: 20 hours



Week 02; The 11/01 - 17/01 2016.

My boyfriend visited this week, so i spend some of my vacation hours.

This week i began the more structured part of my cooking up culture activity.

I had help from that week's kitchen responsible child, and we made the classic Danish dish called: "karbonader med stuvet grøntsager og kartofler".

The girl is one of the kids, that has the lowest set of skills in English, but because we already had cooked together in week 53, i was confident she would help me, and that the result would be good.

And it was, but due to a misunderstanding in the communication with the chef, i only got to cook at Saturday.

This week i tried to discuss my ideas about making an activity schedule, where the kids were to attend mandatory English workshops with me. All the kids would have one or two days a week, where we would do different kind of exercises with English. But since the kids schedule in school and free time activities variates so much by the week, the most i would be able to, is to make weekly schedules, and not expect them to be able to join every time, because they also had to make homework. I suggested that i would help them all with the English homework in my workshops, but somehow that was not received as a fully productive idea. They said they weren't sure i could help any but the youngest ones, since the older ones had more difficult homework, and i couldn't help translate when i didn't speak Lithuanian. So i canceled the activity schedule, and was asked to adjust my attention to practice English with the kids, in their free time, when they had time, if i was at work.


Work: 20½ hour

Homework: 1 hour.

Vacation hours remaining:  10,5 hours



Week 03; The 18/01 - 24/01 2016

This week i have prepared meal in the weekend with the 14-year-old boy at Saturday, and with one of the 11-year-old girls at Sunday. This week's country was Denmark, like the week before. The boy didn't want to help, so he made a riot against me, and complained a lot, and in the end after finishing about 60% of the meal, i said he could go. Sunday was more pleased with the help from the girl, even though she didn't want to help at first, since they were about to go outside and play, she came around, and was interested in the cooking process.

This week i have tried to discuss my idea with the headmistress and some of the employees, about making a more structured schedule over the punishments given to the children. Also i wrote a place for the adult to sign their name, this way we could asked the responsible adult, if we were in doubt about possible changes to the schedule - like if a kid had try to cheat, by crossing out their name, or if anyone like to change the punishment, due to good behavior.

I have problem finding out, who is being punished and what the punishment is, because i am not informed when it happens. As a result, i sometimes encourage the children to break their punishment, and that is of course, not a very good idea, cause i will also get in trouble if i let them do stuff, they are not allowed to. So i made a schedule that easily show when, who and what. But since the headmistress didn't think they used these sort of punishment very often, she didn't mean it was necessary, and we would just have to handle it, if i helped them broke their punishment, if the children were not honest with me.


Work: 31½ hours

Homework: 1 hour

Vacation saving: 12 hours



Week 04; The 25/01 - 31/01 2016.

At Monday i had some time alone with the 17-year-old boy, the 16-year-old boy and the employee Miss Juste. I wanted to take this time to play games with the two boys, and Juste helped me pick the game called "Alias". There are two version of the game.


1. You draw a word-card and try to draw the object that match the word, and everyone else will compete in guessing the right answer.

2. You try to explain in sound and words, the object that match the word-card, without saying directly what the object's name is. You have to choose a "partner" to explain it to. You will have one minute to explain and guess as many cards as you can.


To make it more appealing to play for the 17-year-old, when he didn't want to play (and he had said 10 minutes before he did), we told him, he could decide the punishment that the loser was going to perform. So he chose the loser would make 15 push-ups and he chose who he wanted to "partner" up with.  

We played and both time it was the 16-year-old boy who came in last, but since the 17-year-old hadn't made it to goal either, before the dinner was served, i said he also should do the push-ups. Then he and the 14 years old who had come home, teased the 16-year-old, because he had trouble finishing his push-ups, when he already had done 15 from the first game. I said, that i thought he did a good job, and they probably couldn't do 30 pushups in total either. They tried, but they couldn't. I went to the 16-year-old, who was feeling sad, and i "high-fived" him and praise him for his hard work. I felt very happy, when i saw he began to smile again. I was specific in the part, that i wanted the 16-year-old to play with us, since he is suffering from epilepsy, and learning disabilities. He is usually left out of the games, homework sessions and sometimes activities performed outside the house, in case he should have an epileptic attack, and it takes extra time to teach him things.


Tuesday i played with beats with the younger kids, and one of them joined me on my "picture", that way i got extra time with her. She helped me find the right colors and sometime set them in the right spot on the plate. She is 6 years old, and have just started in school, so this way she will learn English, learn the colors names, strengthen her eye-to-hand coordination, and her patience. It was a tricky pattern i wanted her to put the beats in, but we got a very good result with a little dragon.

This day i also went and had a more serious conversation with the 14-year-old, about his behavior, since it had been non acceptable for the last two weeks. I tried to use a more constructive criticism sandwich, and adapt my body language to match his at some point, and then strengthen my posture where i found it useful, as a tool to encourage him. The headmistress was also joining us in this conversation, and we were sitting in his room, to meet him at his safe zone instead of talking with him in the living room, in front of all the kids, which would have made him feel exposed. It was very scary for me to confront a person like this, especially when the person is a teenager, that usually have a strong mind and can challenge me in any discussion. So i was relieved that the headmistress also was there with me. During the conversation, i didn't asked him "why" he have been acting out, cause i remember from my teenage years, that i hated that question, and it just made me angry. Because sometimes you didn't act that way, because you intended to hurt, you barely even knew how you were acting, everything inside you, was so confusing. I have also noted, that every time the someone ask him "why"; he reacts just as i did in his age, so i tried to use more nonviolent-communication.


In the weekend i made Chinese dishes. At Saturday i cooked with help from "Miss Gab" at 11 years old, and Sunday i got 100% volunteer help from 3 of the younger girls at ages 4,6 and 8 years old. I had to use a lot of energy, to make sure the little kids did not harm himself in the process, since they haven't really tried to cook before, and therefore often held the knife upside down among other things. But i made the two oldest clean and cut vegetables, and the youngest at age 4, got a butter knife, and helped me cut the Chinese mushrooms, and stir in the pot. When the kids started to get distracted, because i didn't have much left for them to do, i said "thank you" and "you can play now". We ended up with a great soup.


Work: 31 hours

Homework: 1 hour

Vacation saving: 13 hours



Week 05; The 01/02 - 07/02 2016.

This week i tried to begin English practice with some “back to basic”, with the 17-year-old boy and the 17-year-old girl. I gave them a paper to fill, with small questions, to enlighten me of their motivation to learn English and how they usually learn. My idea was to talked with them when they filled out the papers, about how they like to learn new things, and how we can cooperate them in their English lessons, and also try to help them feel more motivation for learning English.

But it was clear they didn't take it so serious, since they missed out on our follow-up conversation appointment. So instead i rescheduled for next week, and for the boy, who also missed out on our cooking lesson at Saturday, where he instead went out to some electronic messes, i assigned him to install and begin using Duolingo at Saturday. He will have to gain at least 10 points every day of the week, and i will check up on it every week at least. I also had the 14-year-old boy to install the same app, and starting to use it, with the same quest. His English level is higher than the two kids at 17 years old, and he is already kind of motivated to learn English, therefore i didn't make the same paper "back to basic" with him, though it might could help him in other areas of his learning. The Duolingo app is in English and was set to practice their skills in Russian language, since they learn it in school, but had bad grades in it. So this way they will practice both English and Russian, and can compete with the app, if they like. To make it more interesting, i said i would also try to learn Russian in the app, and then compare my progress to theirs, since they already had an advantage by the school lessons, they could probably do better than me.

Result was, that they both gave it a try, and shortly after they had reach level 3 and level 5, with me still on level 2. I was thinking of asking the 13-year-old girl to try and use it also, since she speak better Russian than English, i hoped this would stimulate her to learn both language better, and maybe i will ask the 17-year-old girl to give it a try also. After all, 10 points can be made within 5-10 minutes a day, so it is not taking up too much of their time.

I also played "memory game" with small English words, with the 16-year-old boy, and every time he got a "set" he should pronounce the word written on the picture. After finishing that, i asked him to match the small "words labels" to the correct pictures, this way he would practice the word, the meaning of the word and the recognition of the letters in the words. When we cleaned up the game, i took some of the pictures and asked him what is the name of what is was showing, and if he remembered he would say, and if not he would get to look at the word labeled shortly, and then i would show him the picture again, and he should remember the word. Along with this, he also learned how to pronounce the words more correctly. He even surprised me with small English sentences i didn't know he knew.


To the staff meeting i announced i would start teaching the 16-year-old boy through games, and i told about my plans for the English practice with the previous mentioned, and also i was working on a different form of memory game to the teaching of English, i hoped to finish during my stay, among other things.

At Sunday i cooked with the help of the 17-year-old boy, along with practice English through a memory games with the 16-year-old boy, and the 6-year-old boy.

As a treat i cooked sausage horns at Tuesday, and cupcakes at Thursday and Saturday for the household.

I noticed that Remigijus, the 14-year-old and 17-year-old boy plays "LOTRO" - Lord of The Rings Online together, so since i am use to play similar games, i will try and get into this gaming activity with them.


Work: 30 hours

Homework: 6 hours

Vacation hours remaining: 13 hours



Week 06; The 08/02 - 14/02 2016.

This week i have prepared schedules to track the progress in my English/Russian teaching with the kids. as a part of my activity "make dry learning fun". Sadly, i had two students who had given up on their daily quest, and the 17-year-old boy, deleted the program completely. He said it was too easy, and later same day he said it was because he hates learning Russian, and took too much time of his day. I tried two times this week to talk to him about it, asking how he would like to learn etc. But both him and the 14-year-old boy, said they don't care to learn more English or Russian, and the 14-year-old asks me why i try to teach them, and care about it so much... I told him i care about their future, and if they wanted to get their dream jobs, they couldn't reach the top, if they didn't care about becoming more international in their language skills - you have to work hard, to get your dreams.

The 14 years old and I, have talked a lot this week, and he has asked me questions about my purpose of being here in Lithuania, and about my "family" dreams - "why don’t you have a house if that's your dream?" - i answered that "a house is expensive to buy and keep, so i have to have an education and a solid income, before i buy one." This boy seems to be in wish of a confident to talk to about anything he wants to, and i would like to be his contact person, like we have contact persons in Denmark. This is a person who are specially connected to a child, and the main responsible when the kid has needs like talking about personal things etc. So i talked to a Danish former colleague, who has many years of experience, in how to establish these relationships, cause i feel this could help him to reach his potential among other positive effects.

The 17-year-old girl with whom i also made the Duolingo practice, seems to also have forfeited. I tried to talk to her, asking how she like the Duolingo practice, and she said it was good, so i wonder why hasn't she been doing her homework. As i is right now, none of the kids has fulfilled their obligations, and therefore won't get this week's reward. It seems that motivation by money, is not the right way to go, even though they were extremely happy about the idea, the first couple of days. My theory is, that they are to use to be "pressured" into learning, that they don't have the self-discipline to carry out these lessons, even though it is only 10 minutes a day. So now i have to change the approach, and with the 17-year-old boy i will practice half an hour every Sunday, with paperwork, since he had a choice between that and Duolingo, and he choose paperwork. I will bring him exercises and then there is no excuse.

The 17-year-old girl and the 14-year-old boy, i will make some changes in the "rules" of this learning activity, and see if it helps.

I tried to establish a motivated learning relationship with the 13-year-old girl, with practicing English and getting to play "Sims 3" on my computer as reward. This didn’t work, since she didn't care enough about the game, and already had tried it before. After asking her if there were other games etc. she would like to try as reward, and she just didn't seem to want to learn English, i took the approach the work uses, and said we would practice half hour every Sunday.

This weekend i had help from the 14-year-old boy in the kitchen, with making Italian food. He likes to cook, and i have seen a positive development in his behavior, especially around the time i cook. He has begun to show interest in my cooking every weekend, and sometimes asks to help without it being scheduled, and he has begun to praise the food, and also he asks a lot about the ingredients and recipes. He has even shown good mood and care for my personal "health" after i had full metal braces installed in my mouth this week, and therefore was in pain and could not eat much.


Work:31 hours

Homework: 4 hours

Vacation savings: 14 hours



Week 07; The 15/02 - 21/02 2016.

Update on Duolingo practice:

The 17-year-old boy quit last week, the 17-year-old girl quit this week due to lack of time, since she has many exams coming up, and the 14-year-old has because of technical issues with the phone app not practiced enough to be able to pass any test this week, and will get an extra week to practice.


Update on the 17-year-old boys English practice:

Going well. Taken it slowly, and used simple task, like word puzzle and "find words" online. I use the websites, listed to the right of this text. First we do the word puzzle*2 (beginners level), then he does one "find words" and after finding all the words, i asked him to explain what the words means, and what situations they can be used. Like the words: "Hot - can mean something is warm, spicy or some might say you look hot", And the word "Cold; can be used with telling the snow is cold to touch or that you have caught a cold (being sick)." He does not like this practice, since he thinks it is too difficult to explain in English, but given his many years of English in school, i think it is good to push him to use his English in different ways, and i explained to him, that this way i can see what level of English practice we can continue with, and it can help him on his upcoming exams, when he learns how to understand and describe words differently, in case the teacher asks about it.

I also got the paper back with the "back to basic" - i was supposed to have it back the week before, but we just didn’t get around to it. The answers to the questions etc. was surprising to me, since it was not what i expected. He had filled it out in a way, that made it seem like he really wants to learn English, so i was a bit shocked, cause then why would he not be happy to practice to interact with me. In the bottom of the page he gave a sign that he might want to interact with me, by answer "talking with Mia" among other answers, to the question "how do i learn?". I find his drawing next to the text meaningful, since it the picture of a little person, with a flower in one hand, and a reaper knife in the other, with the text upon it: "Mya?".

And he asked me how to spell my name correct, if it was Mia or Mya.

My analysis is that the boy is him, the flower represents his desire to interact or that he sees me as a good person, and the reaper knife the feelings of being forced/passed to much in the relation/lessons.


Teaching English with the 14-year-old girl:

No progress. There have been other plans for this girl weekend last week, and this week, i didn't feel i had the serenity of mind, to teach her, at the Sunday. But i did get to meet her new friend, and her friend said she wanted to talk with me in English, but was scared of making mistakes. The fact that this new friend likes to learn English, and wants to know me, could might be a good indirect approach, to motivate the 14-year-old girl to learn more English, and bond a stronger relation to me. But as it is right now, i dare not to pressure the limits, and force the girl to practice English with me every week.


Update on the English practice with the 16-year-old boy:

Last week, we didn't get much practice with the app, but this week we have spent some time playing a board game that practice your patience, eye-hand coordination and ability to be cautious. We also played "Uno" with the 6-year-old boy, and even practice English with the "pop quiz" app, also in company of the 6-year-old boy. I have used great attention this week to observe and correct misbehavior during these games, since the kids have some habit of being "bad winners", where you taunt the other players, as soon as there was an opportunity. I tried to be a role model, by showing i was happy for them when they won, and i didn't get mad for losing. I also made sure to tell them no, during the game, if someone started to tease the others, for having bad luck. 

If someone tried to cheat or acted out, i would give one warning, and then end the game, if they continued. I had quite some runs ins this week, with the little kids wanted to play with us, and when they then did, they would misbehave if they didn't win, or had a bad "hand". The 16-year-old boy seems to learn though, since he has been doing the same as me, with ending the game, if the kids kept doing what they were told not to, and he apologized to both me and the kids, if he did something wrong.

This week he has had 7 correct words in a row, on the "pop quiz" app, without my direct help. Good progress.



I have talked with Vida about the possibility to focus my attention on mostly two kids, since i feel it is too much for me to be teaching 5 kids, and also try to teach more if possible. I will still come with ideas if wishes, regarding how to maybe teach some of the other kids by motivation of games, but my professional attention i would like to focus on the 14-year-old boy, and the 16-year-old boy. I will continue to teach English with the 17-year-old boy, since i have begun, but he and the 14-year-old girl will be my second priority. If i had the time (like a whole year at least), i think i could make good progress with the 14-year-old girl, but since i only have 3 month left, i don't want to forced anything over her head, that our relation is not mature enough to sustain.

I have begun to play LOTRO this week, but the 14-year-old boy, don’t to play together at this time, and i haven’t asked the 17-year-old yet.


Work: 33 hours

Homework: 6 hours

Vacation saving: 17 hours



Week 08; The 22/02 - 28/02 2016.

Tuesday and Wednesday i went to Denmark, to participate in a focus group interview, with Slagelse city center. We were talking about the development of student attractions and environment. I felt that is one of my key interest in the matter of extra ordinary student activities, and i can also help me build my professional profile towards this line of work. I get to hear a lot of people’s opinion, all in different ages and line og studies, which sometimes gives me new ideas to develop my learning and the learning of those with whom i work.

When i was in Denmark i consulted my uncle, who has been working within this line of social work, i Peru, and he has worked with both children all ages and adults. He gave me useful ideas, and tips about how to continue progressive language development programs. We talked about these program tools, and how they matched Vygotsky´s theory "zone of proximal development".

Monday, Thursday and Friday i asked to be excused, since i weren’t feeling all well in my mental state.

In the weekend the 16-year-old and I made "American food" as country theme for out cooking class. We made burgers at Saturday, chicken and fries for Sunday. I wasn’t feeling so good, so my mood was not at the best. When i was challenged by the 14-year-old boy, by being insulted and criticized on both somewhat personal areas, as well as my cooking, without him actually having tasted the food, i was having trouble with keeping my emotions at low pulse. Although did i succeed to tell the person several times, that i was not feeling very well, and was not in the mood to argue, or being teased, not even with "practical jokes". The house had been busy all Sunday morning, with "spring" cleaning, so on top of my bad mood, i was challenged by the fact, that i could not get space in the kitchen to cook, so lunch was served ½ hour later then it was supposed to, and that just added to my stress, so the 16-year-old boy who was to help me, didn’t get much hand in the cooking process at Sunday. 

This week i/we made burgers at Saturday, and hot wings and fries at Sunday.


Work: 12 hours

Sick days: 2

Total sick hours: 5

Homework: 13 hours

Vacation remaining: 11 hours (I used my spare time days a week, in Denmark)




Week 09; The 29/02 - 06/03 2016.

This week i tried a new and more direct strategy with the subject of my "role" in the house. So one day when i realized how well the weather was, and i had been thinking a lot about the kids thought to make homework is boring, i tried to "spice" it up a bit. I arranged a homework-picnic outside, with the help of the 6-year-old girl. We took out pillows, blankets, nuts and water for the picnic. Then Miss Juste and the two 11-year-old girls joined us, to read history homework and practice English. Juste helped with the history homework, and asked me to help the girls with the English, while she went inside, and so i did by making a "pop quiz" where i would say something like: "In what month is Christmas" or "what month number, is your birthdays, and what is the month name?"- and then they would reply. This way i helped them remember the month name, by connecting it to an event they could recognize.

First they seemed disappointed when i explained the game, since they wanted us to go play football instead, but shortly in, they got competitive, and after the "pop quiz", i said i would play football with them, IF they finish their homework right away. They did, and we played football for 1 hour, and after that the two 11-year-old girls and the 16-year-old boy, who joined us at playing football, went to my room, where we talked with "Ares", drank hot chocolate, played cards, played English games on my phone and one of the girls, braided my hair. 

Very productive day for the relations, and my role as educator.

I have not had any further success with the Duolingo lessons, but when i told him i played LOTRO, he added me as his friend in the game, and we also practiced English, where i had given him a small paper with questions to practice some days before, of the subject "aquarium", since he has interest in this subject. So we sat down for about 30 min and talked about this subject, using those questions he had got from me.

I seem to see a progress (maybe) in the 16year old. When we tried to practice with the "English pop quiz" game on my phone, in the Livingroom, we were crowded by some of the other kids, and even when i got harsh, then just started to act out and complain, but still crowding us. Just before i felt like being really harsh, the 16-year-old boy ended the whole thing, by turning off the phone, and putting it away, and said "later". Normally i see him react by shouting or being mad at the little kids, but this time, he made a really good move, and i didn’t predict that.


One issue i haven’t figured out, is the one with the 14-year-old, that still ignores me. since Sunday last week. I don’t know completely what the reason is, but he won’t even say "hello" to me, and somedays he stays away from the fx. Livingroom, until i am leaving to another room. I tried to put pressure on him, by talking to him, inviting to go out with some of us, teasing him and sometimes i made him smile a little, but he still won’t look at me, og answer me. None of the employees know why he is acting like this, since it is only towards me of this high intensity. But i refuse to give up, although i might change tactic for the next week.


At Sunday i went to meet up with the CEO of Grozio Chirurgija, and his family, and by the end of the get-together, he gave me a sponsorship for the institution. He told me he would like to provide the household with vitamin pills, and sometimes maybe other stuff, like this time he also gave us a package of "Theraflu" and a bottle of expensive cream, to treat the skin issues on one of the little kids. Both I, and the headmistress was very happy to receive this kindness. (After just 5 days with this cream, the skin issues were getting better)


This weekend i didn’t cook, since i couldn’t get the ingredients here in Lithuania.



Work: 31½ hours

Sick days: 0

Total sick days: 5

Homework: 7 hours

Vacation remaining: 12½ hours

Sponsorships: 1

Week 10; The 07/03 - 13/03 2016.

This week the new boy at 10 years old, moved in for good, and it is always so wonderful to see, that 75% of the kids (9 out of 12) was sparkeling with exitement to welcome this new member of the family. He is a very intelligent child, who right now, is eager to entertain and somewhat please the residents and the adults. He seems to learn quite fast with the right methods - like when we played football, he copied me and practiced his english, and he also practiced english with one of the 11 year old girls. How he is graded in other subject of education, i cannot tell yet. 

I boosted up my educational role this week, by not only cooking in the weekend as usual, but also practice english with the 16 and 17 year old boys. With the 16 year old, i played "pop quiz" and with the 17 year old boy, i made some written practice, along with conversation practice, where the topic was "aquarium" since that is one of his interest, displaying in his room, and we made crosswords. This week i also spent a little hour playing LOTRO with the 17 year old, and he helped out a lot in the game, and asked one other day, when i would like to play together again.

The 14 year old still wont talk to me, and avoid my presense. The only reactions i get, is when he talks "dirt" about me to other persons, even with me standing close, or him making ugly faces at me, to provoke me, when i tell him off, because he is doing something i dont want him to. My tactic has been pretty much to be ignoring him, in the same amount he is ignoring me, and try not to be to affected by this rebellion againt me.

This week i finished my first homemade "boardgame" i call it "Play with words". Next week after Miss Juste is back to work, i will hopefuly have figures out some great sentences for us to start up with, to use this tool in english practice.


This weekend i had to change the receip for saturday, due to lack of ingredients. So instead of lamb stew, "miss Vik." and I made rice with shredded carrots, pineapple pieces, corns and pee´s , along with frying some of the marinated kebab-meat in yourkshester sauce. I had the meat marinated for two days, using tomatopuree, oliveolie, salt, pebber, barbeque spicemix, a onion and four garlics. At sunday i took the easy sulution, and bought some wheatpancake breds, roasted the kebab-meat and put on the pancakes, along with tomatoes and cucumber, finishing of with salad-dressing.


Work: 36½ hours

Sick days: 0 

Total sick days: 5

Homework: 5 hours

Vacation remaining: 19 hours

sponserships: 1



Week 11; The 14/03 - 20/03 2016.


Social skillset update:

The 17 year old and i have played about 1½ hour Wii together, where we played "super mario bros.", where we have to work together to get trough the courses, but still also we tried to tease one another, by taking all the points. He has also been talking about why i dont play with him at LOTRO (Lords Of The Rings Online), because he would like to help me, and had made a new character about the same level as me, so we could make the tasks together. I was very surprised of his engagement to interact with me, and i would like to play with him, but didnt got around to do it, and for that i made sure to say i was sorry, i missed our appointment online. I was making homework in stead.

The 14 year old dont ignore me 100% this week, and helped me in a situation where one of the children made trouble for me, but he still wont use time with me, or answer questions, no matter what content, and at thursday i played a game of "hangman" and "guees the word" with him, the girl who turned 12, the 10 year old boy, the 8 year old girl and also the 6 year old girl tried to play a little. We had a great time and i was happy we could all interact. 


On my last evening in Lithuania (Thursday), i was also asked if i could help the 13 year old girl, make her english homework. I was quiete surprised when the girl came jumping and cheering towards me, all excited to have my help. I helped her out, but tried to keep it more interacting, then just telling her what to do, since she also dont speak english, she wouldnt understand me anyway. Everytime we finished some english sentences in her book, i asked her to read them out loud for me, which she did not like to do (she was scared to make mistakes), but i made sure to take it slowly, smile, praise her efforts and onyl correct the pronunciation when it was areally bad or help her understand the sound of the words, she didnt know how to say and sometimes also didnt understand the meaning of the words. My theory is that when you learn ESL to a person who is very unsure on their own abilities, you schould take it slowly, and not pressure them to do everything correct on first try, but encourage them to improve one step at the time, and make it more fun to learn. 

In the end we spend about 40 minutes on these exercises, and finish them all. We kept "talking" and working on them, until she seemed to have more understanding on what the words meant and had made them all correct. Cause i made sure to show her, that it didnt matter to me, how many times she made a mistake, i would still keep calm and encourage her to try again, and if she needed me to, i would try to show by action mimic and drawings what the words/sentences meant. We had a good time together, and after finishing, she scouted out to Vida, with some sarcasm behind but also with a proud attitude: "Vida i am finish", and then some in Lithuanian language, but in the end, she said "thank you" to me, hugged me and was rather "radiant" with happiness.

I am looking forward to see if i get more chances like these in the future and i told the girl, if she needed she help, she could always ask me.



I have helped set up a birhtday this week, and i had to put the bird "Ares" back to the mainhouse livingroom, since i would to go urgently to Denmark for 12days, and would take these days on my sick/absence count.

This though, gave me a chance to teach the kids of more propper behavior, towards how acting around and with the bird. The new kid is very interested in learning how to behave with the animals in the house/outside the house. So i used some time with showing him how to, and also he helped me set up the birdcage in the livingroom, learning what is the different things purpose, and that way we trained his english skills.

He is sometime to eager to be pleasing the adults, so that he might act in a way that can alienate him from some of the kids. Like if the little boy is getting corrected when he makes trouble, the new kid sometimes also starts copy the adults in the situation, and he then after the argue is settled, try to correct the other kid extra, or tell the adults in front of the kid, that the other kid is not a good boy and somtimes he makes nonverbal "signs" about the kid being studpis or crazy. This week we/i have started to tell him, that he should not interfer, copy in that way, or making the "signs", cause it is not his "role" and it is not nice to do, even though i know he tries to help.


I have also went to the "locopedija" (speach therapy) with Mr. Gittes and two children at 4 and 6 years old. I was even allowed stay in the room where the therapy was in session. I used a lot of my time looking for how i could copy the therapy to make the exercercise at home with the children, i was also using much energy to analyze how i was to be present in the room, without disturbing the session to much. When you put a new "object" in a room, it will affect the whole interacting in the sessions, just by it presence. I found that i would do least "damage" to the situation if i were sitting in a "blind spot ancle" from the child. Since there was a mirrow in front of the child and therepist, if was difficult to find that spot, but even then, i mad to analyse and make sure my bodylanguade and mimic, was not inviting to interaction, but still not all closed up. To open bodylanguage could make the child try to interact with me, or act out in some way, to get my attention, but if i was to closed, it would seem like a was uninterested in the session and the childs efforts.


Work: 30½ hours

Sick/absence days: 3

Total sick/absence days: 8

Homework: 4 hours

Vacation remaining: 19 hours

sponserships: 1



Week 12; The 21/03 - 27/03 2016.

Trip to Denmark - taking these days out of my "allowed limit of absence", since it was an unplanned travel, due to emergencies in Denmark. 

This week there are five kids, who begins to a structured sports activity schedule every evening from monday to friday. They will learn to perfom 5 different sports in the end of the program, that last about 6 month, and is performed with som eother kids in Kaunas. The first 2 sports the are to master is swimming and track running. Later they will learn fencing, shooting and football.


Work: 0

Sick/absence days: 7

Total sick days: 15


Vacation remaining: 19 hours

sponserships: 1


Week 13; The 28/03 - 03/04 2016.

I returned to work at Tuesday, and the majority of the kids came running and hugging me, or said hello with a big smile. The 13 year old girl also came running and hugging me, and she told me in english that she had begun learning to swim. The employees also seemed happy to see me again, and some even hugged me. It was rather emotionel for me to experiance that warmth from them all. At wednesday i spend some time interview miss Juste, and practicing with the 6 year old girl, how to ride a bike, and i talked to the Lithuanian student who had been doing a "art therapy project" with some of the girls, for some weeks, about theories across our studies. She is study to become art teacher, but has also studied social studies as me, and i got to look and analyse with her, on the art products. This day the girls had to create a commen univers and then create individual planets, by painting plates. Both she and i was surprised over the results, since they had explained and painted so much of their feelings into it. Like one planet called "sadnessplanet" cause this planet was where where she was alone and felt sad, and no one would visit her. So the teacher told me, she had asked the girl if someone was allowed to visit, and then the other girls said that the people from their planet wanted to visit her planet, and she could also visit their planet, and they could have fun together, but there was one of the girls, that the "sadness" planet didnt wanted to have visit from, and that was the planet belonging to the girl, that is usually this "sad" girls best friend. So maybe something just happen that we didnt see, cause i had just spend time wqith these two girls, and there seemed to be no problems between them. 

Also i noticed that all person on "planet earth" had 4 legs. I had good talk with the art-therapy student about it, and i surgested that it represented the girls desire to "plant roots", and the arttherapy student found in her books, that it usually resemble deeper needs for feeling stabil in life, so i was pretty close to my theory as well. 

This week i spend much time on making my pedagogy role more like a friend with the kids from 11 years old and up. So i could make activitites with them, with a whole new level of personal development like social skills, trustbuilding, teamwork, exploring and learning about personal limits. I did this by going to cinema, out to eat, iceskating, playing tag, create friendly fights, playing football and spending extra individualised time with some of the kids. I also played Wii with the 10 year old boy, the 11 year old girl and the 14 year old boy, on the 14 year olds request and we played for 2 hours, mix of many games incl sport games like boxing. During the ice-skating event, the 12 year old girl became jalous and mad at me, because i after 30 minutes of holding hands, pulled away to skate with the other kids. I invited her to join us, but she didnt wanted to unless i holded her hand, and she didnt wanted me to be in contact with the others. It seems to me she might fear i didnt care for her enough, when i rejected her continued approches, but i kept assure her i really care, and i know she didnt hate me, even when saying so, but it was okay to spend time with other persons also. I told her i would like for her to join me/us, but i just needed some time to skate without holding hands, since it made me unstable in movement, and didnt wanted to get hurt, and i knew she was good at skating without me.

I especially also used a lot of time with the 17 year old boy, who is also the one i make english lessons with, and insteed of making traditional english lessons, we use time like explained above, and in the end we agreed that in the future we will go for a run every night if possible, and use time in conversation building. This is perfect for me, cause then i can be myself, since i dont have to press an autority role on top of myself, and do regualar lessons - i believe that humans learn best from motivation and pleassure through social activities, since we are intelligents and social constructivist organism that Vygotsky has theories about.


This weekend i cooked a light brunch at Saturday with the 14 year old boy, and fishfingers with mashed potatoes at Sunday with help from the other employeed Miss Deina. To make sure all children tried to taste the food, and challenge their perception of different food, i made the rule, that from now on, when i cook, everybody has to taste, or the person will not have anything else to eat the that dish, rest of the day. This was also because i had observed and experience how picky the new boy was in chosing his food. He refused to eat anything with vegetables, fish and more. This i could not accept, since his perception started to effect rest of the kids, to become more picky, since he would get away with that behavoir, when the headmistress, myself or miss Sja was hovering over him. I had some issues with making the other employee work with me on this, since she allowed him behind my back to sneak food from the kitchen, after he has the rule explained, but in the end i sad down two hours with him until he finish he very small portion. When the other kids came inside to get their 5 o´clock snack, he speeded up a little, cause it became clear to him, i didnt back down, and if he didnt finish, he would not get any sweets. It is clear he has not been use to be pushes like this, before he arrived at out home, and he even tried to make excuses like he would be sick if he tasted the food, to that i just responded: "then we will simply clean it up".. But in the end, he finished and got his candy. and the smile was back on his face.



Work: 34 hours

Sick days: 1

Total sick days: 16

Homework: 2 hours

Vacation remaining: 19 hours

sponserships: 1



Week 14; The 04/04 - 10/04 2016.

This week was primary spent with the 17 year old boy, where we went running, walking, going out to eat, bowling, playing pool, making homework, shopping and cooking. I tested his ability to be patience, byt taking him for a 3 hour shopping trip, where we looked at clothing for both him and I, after that we went eating and summed up the day, while walking home. Patience is a good quality when going to university, working in groups and finding a partner to form your life with. 

At Thursday the danish union of "SL" came to visit the house and talk about how things were going, and in the evening they and I, took the 14, 16 and 17 year old boys to a basketball game, along with Miss Juste, my collegue. I has insisted several weeks ago to bring the 16 year old boy, since i felt he need these experiences to develop and it can give him lasting memories, for the bad days. He had also told the 17 year old boy and me, that he felt lonely a lot, and he has told the headmistress, that he is sad because he is kategorised to be with the small kids, and are not allowed to do much due to his attacks. Like riding a bike at the small street outside with the rest of the kids, is not permited. He was really filled with joy, when the 17 year old, told him to pack his stuff, cause he would come with us to the basketball game, and we all had a great night out, and no attacks at all. The union even bought us all drinks and bought scarfs to the tree kids. We were sitted in the silverzone next to the lockerroom of their favorite team, and when the playes went in and out the room, they "high fived" the children. 

At Friday i went to dinner with the union to hear about their new arrangements with other childrens home and institutions in Kaunas, and also participated the CEO of grozio cosmetics, who is sponsering vitamins for the house. This night he gave me another round of vitamins and creme, and told me, his team would like to offer the two siblings with skin issues, a consultation with the skin-specialist. 


This week the jalousi from some of the kids, has been very clear. Some of them seems to accept my newfound friendship with the 17 year old boy, but one of the kids has said harsh things towards me to hurt my feelings, and some has shown their jalousi, by clinging on me, on the first chance they got. This assure me that they really like me, but also brings sadness to my heart, that they fear loosing my interest, just because of this change, so i think i will have to show my love more, in dividing more of my attention between all the kids. Even if it just by giving extra hugs and showing i want them near me, when i do other stuff like making homework. 


In the weekend the 17 year old boy helped me cook Shepheards pie at Saturday, and salmon cakes with mashed potatoes and salad at Sunday. this weekend i had somewhat the same issue with the 10 year old boy, not wanting to eat, but this time it went more smoothly since he already knew i didnt back down, and also the fact that i got both the other employee to back me up and the headmistress also. So we only had to sit for about 45 minutes this time.

At sunday i also went out to meat the art-therapy student, and we had some profound talks about our analysis of the artprojects conjucted.



Work: 38 Hours

Sick days: 0 

Total sick days: 16

Homework: 10 Hours

Vacation remaining: 27 hours

sponserships: 1 person given second sponsering


Week 15; The 11/04 - 17/04 2016.

This week i have used some extra time with the smaller kids and the youngest teens. We have been on bike rides in areas with lesser trafic, learning about how to act outside the housearea, and especially when they drive without a helmet. I am against the whole thing of learning kids to ride bikes, when they have no safety procedure. I was told there is two helmets in thehousehold, but we were only able to find one. They tried to push the limits, and some of them started to drive off on their own, but i kept calm, and quickly made the point clear, that the trip would end, if they did that again, cause we needed to stay together, and the older ones, should be rolemodels to the younger ones. When we were driving in the small forrest nearby, practicing driving down hill, using brakes etc. two of the kids tried to walk onto the train tracks, and when i refused to let them do it, they even tried to make me believe, that an other employee told them it was okay to do. I ask the employee when we got home, and of cause she said never agreed to let them go out there, they had done it without asking when she had turned her back for a moment. This i need to talk to the two kids about, cause this week i have caught a lot of the kids lying intentionally many times, both to me and the other employees. I would like to find some more strategies to handle this problem area, cause it is crucial to improve this area while there is still time, before the kids personality and identity, is firmly established.

This week was also the 6 year old girls´s birthday, and she was very excited for the presents that the house and I gave her, and her godmother who is the voluntary employee, also took her on a birthday trip, and made a cake for the evenings celebration. 

This week we have also played some football games, and i used some time to help teach som of the youngest residents to play "Mariokart" on Wii. It was the girl at 4 years old, the boy at 6 years old and the two girls at 8 and 9 years old, who learned how to play Wii. The two older ones were quick to learn, and it seemed to help their own learning a lot, when they should help teach the two smaller kids how to play. I think to play Wii does not only stregthen the cooperation abilities between the kids, or the social bonding between ages, but it can also help stregthen the eye-hand coordination with the kids, in a rewarding way. They have to concentrate a lot of focus on following, and larning to play the game, but to play the game, they have to be able to coordinate their finger movement on the controllers, to control the "speed forward", "speed backwards" and "bonus effects" in the game along with their body movement to control the "cars" driving direction (left and right). It is a lot of controlling to master, but because the game is drawn in a funny way, and it is a new way of playing for the kids, is is also very interesting and funny for them to learn, plus they cheer for each other. I also find this game good for learning to control yourself and your temper. If you loose your temper, the "drinving" most surdently will be affected, but because the game is so rousing, most people cant help but getting a bit exited anyway. So the way i see this, there are many benefits in playing certain Wii games.

One day the household decided to let the bird "Ares" out of his cage, to see how it would go. He was out quite some time, and the employees at work, made sure to explain the children, that it was not good to try and tease the bird, even though it didnt hurt when he was biting. They had some trouble getting him back in the cage, and all the kids wanted the bird to sit on their shoulder so badly, so they kept going around after him, trying to make him choose them. I tried to explain, it doesnt work that way with a bird, you have to show patience and stay calm on the same spot for some time, so he will trust you. But in the end they still had a very exciting time watching the bird walk around the table, and when he tried to fly to me, he instead landed on Mr. Gytés shoulder. Ares was not strong enough to fly the distance to me, since he hasn´t been flying for a long time. I got him in his cage in the end, when everything settle down a bit, and i explained the kids and other employee how to get the bird ind his cage. So it was a good learning session about animal behavior, respect and handling.  

This weekend i had to cancel lunch, since i had been feeling ill the days up to the weekend, and wasnt sure if i had energy to follow through the cooking classes. Instead i made some outmeal balls, with small pieces of raisins inside, for Saturday, as a snack. They were all very excited to eat these, and it was the first time for the new boy at 10 years old, to taste this receipe. I am considering to cancel some of the last cooking classes, since it seems, the older kids, has begun to pull away from this activity, every time there is good weather outside, or they just want to do something else. I know this is a challange i could use good pedagogy theories to handle, but i dont want to force it over their heads. Some of the kids say they want me to cook until i leave, because they like my cooking, but i told them, i only cook if they help me, cause i want to spend the time with them. Also i feel the pressure of my exam closing in on me. I have 3 weeks to write my exam and 4 weeks to write and practice my oral exam as well. It would seem like an okay amount of time maybe, but i havent even fully read the books or theories i would think i need, and therefore i also feel some pressure to cancel cooking classes, to ensure i can just be present in the moments with the kids when working, and else try to prepare my exams.


Work: 24 hours

Sick days: 1

Total sick days: 17

Homework: 6 hours

Vacation remaining: 27 hours

Sponserships: 1 person has given two sponserships.



Week 16; The 18/04 - 24/04 2016.

Since i had been sick last week, the 17 year old boy, the headmistress and my collegue Miss Juste, has been very attentive to my health, and asking how i felt, made sure to ask if i had eaten and told me to stay warm. I could not ask for better circumstances then they all provide me with here.This week was also the celevration of the internation "Earth day" and to take part in this, the house had a woman club visiting, and we all went to botanical garden to clean up some areas. This event made the children work together, and i thought some of them how to manage a rack. Afterwards we went back to the house and had a casual "grill-party". It was nice to spend different time together with the household and guest.


The cooking lessons:

I decicded that this week would be the last one, where i cook in the weekend. I have have seen a decrease of interest from most of the participants, after the weather started to get warmer, and also when they realized i wont force them to cook with me. This is of cause a bit sad, since that must mean, they do not caunt out time together in the kitchen, for much more then a duty, and not as quality time. But this do not apply for all of the kids of cause, and i could always ask the smallest ones to help, cause i think they would love to. But buttomline, i decided to make this the last weekend, and it will also give me more time to just spontatious interactions with the kids in the weekends to come. Saturday i cooked with help from the 16 year old boy, we made chiken curry, and Sunday we cooked twice. First time was with help from the 16 year old and 10 year boys, where we cooked lasange, and at dinner i had helpes from the 16 year old again and then the 13 year old girl, where we made Pizza. It was a good ending to this activity, and i did get some comments from some kids, that they didnt wanted me to stopp cooking. There has been quite an interest in the diversity of my chocies of dishes.


Work: 33½ hour

Sick days: 0 

Total sick days: 17

Homework: 8 hours

Vacation remaining: 30½ hours

Sponserships: 1 person has given two sponserships.



Week 17; The 25/04 - 01/05 2016.

Talk with 10 year old boy about his lying is hurting the people around him. How it makes me sad, that he would seek my support, and then lie to me while seeking it. How trust is easy to break, but hard to regain, and that i fear he no longer can see the difference between lie and truth, since he keep to his stories, even when confronted with the truth and shown the gasp of his stories. 

The 14 year old boy starts to take contact with me again through discussing computer issues, playing basketball and asking questions of a diversity of things. 

I have practice danish and english songs with the 4 year old girl, and we had visit from a couple who wish to adopt the 4 year old girl and her brother at 6 years old. They told us, thay had been searching for 6 years to adopt children, but never found any children house as good as ours. Our children didnt bear the same problems mentally and emotionally as the other children houses. And our children seemed to have better prospect of future with education etc. This week the girl at 4 years old, have been sick again, but as soon as she recover, we will begin to introduce the children to the couple slowly, with time at their house or on small excursions.

The teenagers had begun to ask me when i leave, and that they dont want it. some of them has begyun to shown more affections for my company, then they usually do. The 12 year old girl, has told me that she really likes me, and if it is okay that she is not ready to tell me she loves me - i told her of cause it is, i dont expect her to say that anyway, and i am glad she starts to understand the difference between "like" and "love" -- she has been using the word "love" for many things, and we have talked some times about what is the difference in relations to other persons. Though it is hard to explain the differences sometimes.


Work: 30 hours

Sick days: 0 

Total sick days: 17

Homework: 5 hours

Vacation remaining: 30½ hours

Sponserships: 1 person has given two sponserships.



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Punishment schedule
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Fish fingers and mashed potatoes

Fish fingers and mashed potatoes

Second round of sponsership

Shepheards pie

Salmon fishcakes with potatoes, salad and parsley sauce

Week 18; The 02/05 - 08/05 2016.

I was sick most of the week.

But days kept going, and the youngsters took very good care of me, with bringing me food and entertain me, when secluded in my room.

The girl at 4 years old and the boy at 6 years old, stopped attending speach therapy from this week, since the couple who visited last week, has begun the paperwork to adopt the two children, and therefor will continue the therapy later if needed. 

The girls at 11 and 13 years has now been put on a waiting list for psykologist sessions, since we feel there are some behavioral issues, and we fell that we cant help the girls as well as an therapist might. 

I was also told by the 17 years old boy this week, that i had changed a lot within the last month. I was no longer acting so much as a guest, but seemed more relaxed and i now felt like a family member. Also the kids of some of the regular guests, has begun to taken a like of me, and is seeking my company for playtime. 

It is amazing how everything can change in so short period, and what difference it makes when you LIVE at the workplace, not only working in specific time periods. For me the living with the house, has made me feel more like a resident, that also has the trust and responsibilities as an employee. I noticed how i even say "uncle" and "auntie" to the older employees, like the kids do. And if confronted with unpleasenties, i bow my head and feel just like when my mother would correct me. That way it is really clear to me, i am not good at setting up a line for professional and personal life/interest. If i didnt live here, i think it would be easier, since it would seem like when working in Denmark, or as the other employees, but i definitly feel more attached to this house and its residents, then i would with "regular work".


Work: 18 hours

Sick days: 2 

Total sick days: 19

Homework: 12 hours

Vacation remaining: 30½ hours

Sponserships: 1 person has given two sponserships.



Week 19; The 09/04 - 15/04 2016.

This week has been consisting of daily cores like cleaning, cooking, washing, making homework with the children, and mending broken clothing/objects. Ath Thursday the teens where at a army event, and when coming back home, they where exited to tell about it. Meantime Vida, Juste and I had been sorting out stuff in the basement where we sorted new clothing donations, and later the kids al had to try the clothing and see what they would like to keep. The cloth they couldnt fit or want, we gave to other children houses and second hand stores.


Work: 29½ hours

Sick days: 0 

Total sick days: 19

Homework: 10 hours

Vacation remaining: 30 hours

Sponserships: 1 person has given two sponserships.



Week 20; The 16/05 - 22/05 2016.

Monday my boyfriend and a Ph.D. professor came to Kaunas. The professor is going to interview me and Juste, as a part of the overboard student development program, i have been participating in, during my stay in Lithuania. 

At Wednesday I will celebrated my birthday, by doing BBQ and eating dessert, that Juste had made. She and other employees and kids had become ill, and couldn’t fully participate in the day. 

Thursday I spent playing with the kids and at Friday I said my “final” goodbye to the kids, before they left for school. I write “final” because I finished my internship, but had already made secret plans with Vida, Mr. Gytes and the 17-year-old boy, that I would come back during the summer.

Before leaving at Friday, Mrs. Vida asked me why I was sad, when I knew I would be back. It was a very interesting question to reflect on, because she was right. I answered that thought I would be back, it was hard to see the children sad, and I would miss them.


Work: 0

Sick days: 0 

Total sick days: 19

Homework: 0 hours

Vacation remaining: 0 hours

Sponsorships: 1 person has given two sponsorships.



Back in Denmark.

I quickly adapted to my Danish rhymes again, duties and role in society. But since I was writing or calling together with the 17-year-old boy from “Namu Zidinys” almost every day, and on occasion some of the other kids to, my mind felt like it was preparing already to go back. It took me about two weeks to fully adjust back to my mindset of attention to being in Denmark, and feel mindfulness in my actions. I had to decrease the level of communicational interactions with my home in Lithuania and my relations there, in order to concentrate on school etc.

But I do feel I have a stronger set of adjustment skills now, since I don’t feel so much pressure or stress related to changing between countries and “work duties” anymore. To be in Lithuania has not only given me great insight in my weakness and strength, but also giving me “air” to work on them, in a pace that could not have been provided, if I took my internship in a Danish institution. It has meant a lot, to not be on the “payroll”, and therefore more like a volunteer and houseguest, so I had time to develop in my own way.

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